Medivac – Medical Evacuation
For those occasions when you, a loved one or a friend finds themselves sick or injured in a foreign country and requires an urgent or semi urgent transfer to a higher level medical facilitiy. The transfer can be in country or overseas.
The transfer can be done in an air ambulance with speciality crew or on a commercial flight with medical or non-medical escort depending on the condition.
The commercial flight can be on a stretcher errected in the aircraft or in a business or economy seat depending on how the consulting case doctors determine the patient is fit to fly.
In some cases a helicopter, boat or road ambulance may be utilised to transfer patients within country. The use of these forms of transport will be deterrmined by the medical team, the condition of the patient and the availability of the tranport & safety considerations. Keep in mind that helicopters and boats may not be permitted to function at night or in extreme weather conditions. Safety is always the priority.
Medical evacuation may be advised by the patients insurance company or can be arranged privately. Where an insurance company is involved the insurance company will liaise directly with the transport providers and arrange the transfer from the hospital bed to the destination hospital bed.
In the case of a private medivac, 221 Assist will provide you with a quotation for transfer from the origin hospital bed to the destination hospital bed. Contact 221 Assist NOW for advice or a quote
Worldwide flight Medical Escort & Non Medical Escort Services
221 Assist can provide appropriately trained staff for both medical and non-medical escorts.
A medical escort might be required for a patient who requires ongoing medical observation and attention, to a patient who has a minor problem but may need minimal medical assistance during a flight. Medical escorts are trained to mange contingencies that may occur during the flight or during transit
A non-medical escort might be required to escort a relatively healthy individual back to their country of origin or to another country, where no medical assistance is required but some assistance with transfering on, off and around the aircraft or during transit may be required.
Repatriation of Mortal Remain
When a family member or friend passes away, it can be a difficult time regardless of the situation. This can become much worse when it occurs in a foreign country.
Return of mortal remains or repatriation of mortal remains simply means the transportation of an insured person’s deceased body back to their home country, and the other formalities associated with it. The costs of international repatriation of remains may vary due to a number of factors, such as the distance traveled, location of death, government regulations in the country of death and the home country amongst many other factors. Navigating the formalities in a foreign country may be very difficult, worsended by unfamiliar laws, culture and language.
221 Assist has performed more than repatriation of mortal remains each year and has the expertise and compassion to deal with these events with the utmost professionalism.